
Root Canal Therapy


Root canal therapy is a process used to repair and save a tooth that has extensive damage due to decay or has become infected. The root canal describes natural cavity within the center of the tooth which houses the soft pulp chamber and the nerve of the tooth. A root canal procedure removes the nerve and pulp from inside tooth and then cleans and seals the tooth to protect it from further damage.
root canal therapy
The extraction of the nerve from the tooth does not affect the functioning of the tooth. After a tooth breaks through the gum the nerve’s only function is to provide the sensation of hot or cold. Without root canal therapy, the tissue surrounding the tooth will likely become infected and abscesses may form.

Root canal therapy becomes necessary when a tooth's nerve tissue or pulp is damaged and bacteria begins to multiply within the pulp chamber. This bacteria, and other decayed materials can cause an infection and/or an abscessed tooth, resulting in noticeable pain for the patient.

After the removal the affected pulp and nerve from the tooth, a crown will be put in place to seal the tooth. Crowns are usually made of porcelain which presents a very natural appearance. In situations where the extensive damage has occurred, porcelain crowns can be supported with an under layer of metal.

Root canal therapy is a highly successful the procedure with over a 95% success rate. Many teeth restored with a root canal and porcelain crown can last a lifetime. For more information on root canal therapy, contact our office today.